Measures for Implementation in the Current Year



1. To increase the attendance and punctuality of students and to raise awareness of the power of education amongst parents.

2. To target students with very poor attendance

3. To target students with very poor punctuality.

4. To reduce the number of early school leavers.

Smart Targets:

· To decrease the percentage of students absent for more than 20 days (currently 13.26 by 2% (certified absences not included)

· To decrease that percentage of students absent for more than 8 days (currently 23.63 by 2% (certified absences not included

· To increase the number of visits by HSCL to parents of students with very poor attendance by 3%

1. Policy Formation:

·Develop and promote school attendance strategies (Research and policy development)

· Open and consistent communication with parents via phone, texts and an open door policy.

· Home Visitation

2.Attendance Tracking:

· VS Ware attendance systems. Use this to track and monitor attendance patterns.

· Contact parents via VS Ware when a student is missing classes.

· Mentor follow up – Identify afternoon absences and text parents via VS Ware system with sanctions for unexplained absences and meeting with parents where this is repeated.

· Seek to identify the reasons why student is absent in an attempt to solve the problem

· Raise awareness and appreciation of continuing attendance and education for all


· Provide a comforting and nurturing environment with food provided for all students

· Reward system/ Attendance awards (at individual and class level).

· Monetary Prizes at the end of each term and an overall prize at the end of the year. (HSCL)

· Offer high quality, accessible parenting programmes (HSCL/SCP)



1. To increase the attendance and punctuality of students and to raise awareness of the power of education amongst parents.

2. To target students with very poor attendance

3. To target students with very poor punctuality.

4. To reduce the number of early school leavers.

Smart Targets:

· To decrease the percentage of students absent for more than 20 days (currently 13.26 by 2% (certified absences not included)

· To decrease that percentage of students absent for more than 8 days (currently 23.63 by 2% (certified absences not included

· To increase the number of visits by HSCL to parents of students with very poor attendance by 3%

1. Policy Formation:

·Develop and promote school attendance strategies (Research and policy development)

· Open and consistent communication with parents via phone, texts and an open door policy.

· Home Visitation

2.Attendance Tracking:

· VS Ware attendance systems. Use this to track and monitor attendance patterns.

· Contact parents via VS Ware when a student is missing classes.

· Mentor follow up – Identify afternoon absences and text parents via VS Ware system with sanctions for unexplained absences and meeting with parents where this is repeated.

· Seek to identify the reasons why student is absent in an attempt to solve the problem

· Raise awareness and appreciation of continuing attendance and education for all


· Provide a comforting and nurturing environment with food provided for all students

· Reward system/ Attendance awards (at individual and class level).

· Monetary Prizes at the end of each term and an overall prize at the end of the year. (HSCL)

· Offer high quality, accessible parenting programmes (HSCL/SCP)



1. To increase the attendance and punctuality of students and to raise awareness of the power of education amongst parents.

2. To target students with very poor attendance

3. To target students with very poor punctuality.

4. To reduce the number of early school leavers.

Smart Targets:

· To decrease the percentage of students absent for more than 20 days (currently 13.26 by 2% (certified absences not included)

· To decrease that percentage of students absent for more than 8 days (currently 23.63 by 2% (certified absences not included

· To increase the number of visits by HSCL to parents of students with very poor attendance by 3%

1. Policy Formation:

·Develop and promote school attendance strategies (Research and policy development)

· Open and consistent communication with parents via phone, texts and an open door policy.

· Home Visitation

2.Attendance Tracking:

· VS Ware attendance systems. Use this to track and monitor attendance patterns.

· Contact parents via VS Ware when a student is missing classes.

· Mentor follow up – Identify afternoon absences and text parents via VS Ware system with sanctions for unexplained absences and meeting with parents where this is repeated.

· Seek to identify the reasons why student is absent in an attempt to solve the problem

· Raise awareness and appreciation of continuing attendance and education for all


· Provide a comforting and nurturing environment with food provided for all students

· Reward system/ Attendance awards (at individual and class level).

· Monetary Prizes at the end of each term and an overall prize at the end of the year. (HSCL)

· Offer high quality, accessible parenting programmes (HSCL/SCP)



1. To improve the level of literacy among all students.

2. To increase the level of students who report Reading for Pleasure

3. To encourage students to think and argue more logically

4. To improve students’ oral literacy skills

5. To improve written literacy

6. To encourage students to draft and redraft their work

Smart Targets:

· To improve the literacy level of each student by 2% in the first two years

· To encourage the Reading for Pleasure programme.

· 100% of students in Second Year will deliver a three-minute presentation in accordance with the new Junior Cycle English course

· To encourage students in 1st year to read and review at least two novels (outside the school curriculum) in class during the school year.

A new school library will be made available to students as soon as possible,


· Make Literacy a priority in all subject areas. In all staff meetings, Literacy must be on the agenda.

· Library time – Creation of school library. Space to read?

· More meetings with learning support teacher to devise and carry out appropriate programmes for students with low literacy levels

· Parent information meetings as necessitated.

Differentiation in the Classroom:

• Learning for Life Literacy for Life Programme

• Class teachers to identify problems and bring to relevant lead person.

• After school supports (Homework Club) for those students who do not have a recognised problem but are struggling/ Reading buddy system (Shared Reading)

Revisit the effectiveness of some strategies:

• Use of the Riddle Board in the GP Room

• Promote Reading for Pleasure and Literacy based activities.

· Create a student book club

• More regular sessions of DEAR – Drop Everything and Read

• Expand the “I’m reading at the moment…” campaign amongst staff and students

• Increased encouragement of all school plays, essay competitions, school quizzes, poetry competitions, public speaking



1. To improve the level of numeracy among all students.

2. Advance the number of teachers who integrate numeracy strategies into their teaching

3. To demonstrate to students that numeracy skills have an application in everyday life.

4. Develop parental confidence and involvement

5. Develop links with the local feeder Primary schools

6. Strengthen links with numeracy and other subjects

Smart Target

To improve numeracy by at least 2% between 1st year and 4th year using the CAT4 Quantitative results

· To increase the percentage of students who feel confident working on problem solving questions

· To increase the percentage of students taking higher level Maths at Junior Certificate level by 1%

· To improve competency in numeracy by 5% in First and Second year

· Create a working link with the local feeder primary schools, their teachers and students

· Increase the number of students taking part in Mathematical and/or Numeracy Competitions across a range of subjects

· Make Numeracy a priority in all subject areas. In all staff and department meetings, Numeracy must be on the agenda.

· Share Numeracy resources with all departments

· Strengthen links with Parents through continued

Parents Maths Evenings to learn about the course content that their child will be learning, thus increasing parent’s confidence and empowering them to encourage their children and providing helpful links on the Parents area of the school website.

· Increase the number of students taking Maths at Higher level and at Ordinary Level in both Junior and leaving Cert by providing timetabled supports that allow students the best possible chance at attaining at these levels, In-class support and smaller classes.

·Maths Competitions, Everyday maths, quizzes, Shopping (maths for everyday life), Maths computer software packages: give access for greater use of computers/ Practical applications, i.e. train timetables, telling the time.

· Create links with the Local Primary School, which will allow us to create a strong foundation for students in the area of problem solving and methodologies.


1. Identify a list of students in each year group who are at risk of leaving school early and provide supports as necessary

2. To reduce the number of students leaving school during Transition year. Provide pathways to the workforce/further education for students that do leave.

3.To provide and/or actively seek suitable alternative programmes/courses for those in danger of dropping out.

4.To create a more positive experience of school for ‘at risk’ students to improve their engagement with school.

5.To ensure that 95% of current 5th years will complete their Leaving Certificate

6.Weekly care meetings with the Student Support team.

7. Weekly monitoring of Journals in the SPHE / Year Head classes

8. Homework club facility

1. Attendance Monitor and Year Heads to compile a list of students in each year group who are at risk of early school leaving and ensure that suitable supports are put in place or appropriate steps taken for identified students.

Check & Connect programme – One Good Adult; Mentoring :TYs – 1st Years; counselling as appropriate.

2.Provide necessary supports for students in the junior cycle to ensure that they complete 3rd year, or transfer to another to alternative education in cooperation with NEWB.

3.Guidance and HCSL to advise & support students and parents (See also Progression)

4.Introduction of ‘Check and Connect programme – One Good Adult’ with small cohort of at risk students; SCP mentoring programme

5. Attendance Initiatives – identify students at risk and monitor their attendance closely. Refer to Attendance Strategy.

6. Student Care System – Monitor the students at risk and liaise with the relevant link person in the weekly care meetings.

7. Supports – Provide extra supports for identified students where necessary, such as literacy and numeracy initiatives, personal development. Link with parent / guardian

8. Promote attendance at homework club



1.Examine results of 2018 state exams and align results with attendance.

2.Encourage students to take papers at the highest level suitable for their ability in the subject.

3.Identify students in need of an intervention in each year group to improve exam results.

4. Hold an information evening for parents of TY students to support students and discuss career options earlier

5. To improve 2018 JC Overall Average Results by validating students’ capabilities at Higher Level or Ordinary Level.

6. Identify EAL students who have limited capabilities in basic Literacy and Numeracy.

7. Increase the number of pupils attending the Evening Study by 2%.

1.Examine 2018 state exam results and analyse attendance patterns of students who’s results are below average. Results can be found in JC 2018 Data graphs.

2.Subject Coordinators will encourage students to attempt subjects at the highest level suitable to their ability. More of an emphasis needs to be placed on ability as 12% of students that took subjects at Higher Level failed in 2018.

3.Students in each year group in need of extra support will be identified. This will be done through exam results, feedback from teachers and monitoring of academic progress.

4. Inform Student and Parents of Senior Cycle Subject Choices available. Allow students time to subject sample and Parents link with Teachers.

5. Using the Mock Paper as a bases for evaluation for a holistic overview of the student’s capabilities compared to individual subjects to formulate an overall strategy based on the student’s capability.

6. Support and insure that existing literacy and numeracy initiatives are utilised. The target being that all students have access to and are adequately supported to engage in a full curriculum.

7. Survey 3rd, 5th and 6th Years on the Evening Study and target pupils through involvement of their parent(s)/ guardian(s).


1. Ensure a definite educational path or job offer exists for every student who chooses to leave before completing leaving certificate either via SOLAS apprenticeship or community training centre course / QQI Level 4 / National Learning Network.

2. Information evening for parents of TY’s and Leaving Certs detailing progression routes to all levels of the NFQ (national framework of qualifications)

3. 1% improvement in progression to Higher education (HE) with HEAR link programme.

4. 1% uptake in apprenticeships

5. Encourage more students to apply for career areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths (STEAM)

6.Recognise the challenges that students face under the pressure of achieving and progressing.

7. Any student in 6th year with an additional language recognised by the SEC will be given the opportunity of sitting the subject for the Leaving Certificate.

8. Encourage year on year past students to return and address Leaving Certificate Students

1. All 6th Year students to be given an opportunity to attend Higher Options / College Open Days and attend talks by guest speakers to the school from HEI’s.

2.Inform and educate Parents / Guardians of various progression routes available to students under the NFQ.

3. Continue to link with HEAR Programme and individual HEI’s Access Programmes and avail of all services provided.

4. Build Links with GRETB Apprenticeships, receive a presentation on the 42 apprenticeships available and be assisted with securing a place if required

5. Develop Cross – curricular links between subject departments and promote annual subject weeks with career progression options e.g. Science Week, Engineering week etc.

6.Support Students to access links to Outside agencies for support in the area of Mental Health through involvement of their parent(s)/ guardian(s). Continue to work alongside these interventions at school level.

7.Facilitate the student to access Mock Papers if available, in the recognised language and encourage the student to explore this option to further enhance their educational progression.

8. Establish a “returning back / success story” attitude with students where they can link the “Familiar face” / “common ground” with an “I can do it too” attitude.

PARTNERSHIP WITH PARENTS as per 2017/2018 until new HSCL was appointed in Feb 2019.


1.To involve parents/guardians in literacy and numeracy programmes devised for junior cycle.

2.To improve communication and transfer of information between the school and the home

3.To familiarise and engage parents/guardians in their child/children’s education process

Smart Targets

· To increase the number of parents involved in school activities / courses

· To increase the amount of contact with parents

Break the cycle of Inter-Generational unemployment or early school leaving

· Raising expectations amongst parents and the wider community/ Raising awareness of continuing education

· Offering high quality parenting programmes

· Deliver presentations to parents and children about the importance of attendance

· Parents/guardians will be invited to attend a practical session on how to help their children in English and mathematics

· All parents/guardians of incoming 1st year students will receive a transfer pack


Strengthen Links With Parents:

· As part of our SIP, parents will be encouraged to provide practical support to their children in the areas of literacy and numeracy

· 1st year parents/guardians will be invited to coffee mornings/evening in the school in September

· All parents/guardians will be invited to attend parent teacher meetings for each of their children annually

· All parents/guardians will be given the opportunity to participate in a range of courses/classes in the school

· Guardians will receive information letters and newsletters at regular intervals throughout the school year

· The HSCL Co-ordinator will make targeted home visits throughout the school year.

· Parents/guardians will engage in consultation with the career guidance teacher regarding their sons/daughters preferred learning style and educational progression. They are also welcome to consult with the guidance counsellor at any stage throughout the year


Using Parents as a Resource:

· Parents providing other courses for parents

· Mentors linking in with parents.

· Raising both awareness & expectations amongst our entire body of school stakeholders

Specialist Referral:

· Parent information meetings to ensure familiarity with curriculum

· Individual support for families in trouble & working with special interest groups in this regard.



1. To increase the participation in awareness campaigns by 10% for the academic year 2018/2019 e.g. Engineers Week, STEM Week, Literacy Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Maths Week, German/French week etc.

2.To research further Possible new awareness campaigns: Health and Fitness, Body Image week, International week etc

3.Continue to invite business people in to the school to talk about running a business for Leaving Cert business and LCVP students.

4.Continue to develop relationships with local businesses such as Molloys, Service Matters and Mc Neils.

5.Continue to build up links with local businesses through TY and LCVP work experience from now and each academic year going forward.

6.Continue to work with local Youth Groups

7. Establish links with Employers.

8.Develop further links with groups in the life of the school.

9.Raise awareness in the community of continuing education.

10. Develop further links with School Facilities in the community.

1.Subject Departments develop links with outside agencies to create awareness around their subject area.

2.Form a committee to further research new awareness campaigns through newly formed Teams using the SharePoint / One Note resource after all staff are training in 2018 / 2019.

3. 2018/2019 – Entrepreneur afternoon – invite enterprising parents/relation/neighbours etc in

4. For academic year 2018/2019 develop new links with 2 more local businesses. How (Groupwork – interview and visit new businesses within the locality)

5. In 2018/2019 have local businesses who take our students for work experience complete a survey.

6. Through the Cross Curricular Links and Transition Year Programme further develop links.

7. Re-establish links with Skills at Work Programme in 2018 / 2019 – Update: This has been established with new partners – Heat Merchants.

8. Work with HCSL Officer to establish links with EAL students Religions etc.  / talks from Gardai  / further develop links with Roscommon Sports Partnership / encourage involvement of students in local organisations such as Foroige / The Quad Centre.

9.Complete a survey in our community on the value of education and continuing education to see where our community stand, obstacles that stand in the way etc.

10. Invite the community to use the school facilities and sports grounds (new gym – for use by our community by 2023)

Measures for Implementation in the Current Year

test test



1. To increase the attendance and punctuality of students and to raise awareness of the power of education amongst parents.

2. To target students with very poor attendance

3. To target students with very poor punctuality.

4. To reduce the number of early school leavers.

Smart Targets:

· To decrease the percentage of students absent for more than 20 days (currently 13.26 by 2% (certified absences not included)

· To decrease that percentage of students absent for more than 8 days (currently 23.63 by 2% (certified absences not included

· To increase the number of visits by HSCL to parents of students with very poor attendance by 3%

1. Policy Formation:

·Develop and promote school attendance strategies (Research and policy development)

· Open and consistent communication with parents via phone, texts and an open door policy.

· Home Visitation

2.Attendance Tracking:

· VS Ware attendance systems. Use this to track and monitor attendance patterns.

· Contact parents via VS Ware when a student is missing classes.

· Mentor follow up – Identify afternoon absences and text parents via VS Ware system with sanctions for unexplained absences and meeting with parents where this is repeated.

· Seek to identify the reasons why student is absent in an attempt to solve the problem

· Raise awareness and appreciation of continuing attendance and education for all


· Provide a comforting and nurturing environment with food provided for all students

· Reward system/ Attendance awards (at individual and class level).

· Monetary Prizes at the end of each term and an overall prize at the end of the year. (HSCL)

· Offer high quality, accessible parenting programmes (HSCL/SCP)



1. To improve the level of literacy among all students.

2. To increase the level of students who report Reading for Pleasure

3. To encourage students to think and argue more logically

4. To improve students’ oral literacy skills

5. To improve written literacy

6. To encourage students to draft and redraft their work

Smart Targets:

· To improve the literacy level of each student by 2% in the first two years

· To encourage the Reading for Pleasure programme.

· 100% of students in Second Year will deliver a three-minute presentation in accordance with the new Junior Cycle English course

· To encourage students in 1st year to read and review at least two novels (outside the school curriculum) in class during the school year.

A new school library will be made available to students as soon as possible,


· Make Literacy a priority in all subject areas. In all staff meetings, Literacy must be on the agenda.

· Library time – Creation of school library. Space to read?

· More meetings with learning support teacher to devise and carry out appropriate programmes for students with low literacy levels

· Parent information meetings as necessitated.

Differentiation in the Classroom:

• Learning for Life Literacy for Life Programme

• Class teachers to identify problems and bring to relevant lead person.

• After school supports (Homework Club) for those students who do not have a recognised problem but are struggling/ Reading buddy system (Shared Reading)

Revisit the effectiveness of some strategies:

• Use of the Riddle Board in the GP Room

• Promote Reading for Pleasure and Literacy based activities.

· Create a student book club

• More regular sessions of DEAR – Drop Everything and Read

• Expand the “I’m reading at the moment…” campaign amongst staff and students

• Increased encouragement of all school plays, essay competitions, school quizzes, poetry competitions, public speaking



1. To improve the level of numeracy among all students.

2. Advance the number of teachers who integrate numeracy strategies into their teaching

3. To demonstrate to students that numeracy skills have an application in everyday life.

4. Develop parental confidence and involvement

5. Develop links with the local feeder Primary schools

6. Strengthen links with numeracy and other subjects

Smart Target

To improve numeracy by at least 2% between 1st year and 4th year using the CAT4 Quantitative results

· To increase the percentage of students who feel confident working on problem solving questions

· To increase the percentage of students taking higher level Maths at Junior Certificate level by 1%

· To improve competency in numeracy by 5% in First and Second year

· Create a working link with the local feeder primary schools, their teachers and students

· Increase the number of students taking part in Mathematical and/or Numeracy Competitions across a range of subjects

· Make Numeracy a priority in all subject areas. In all staff and department meetings, Numeracy must be on the agenda.

· Share Numeracy resources with all departments

· Strengthen links with Parents through continued

Parents Maths Evenings to learn about the course content that their child will be learning, thus increasing parent’s confidence and empowering them to encourage their children and providing helpful links on the Parents area of the school website.

· Increase the number of students taking Maths at Higher level and at Ordinary Level in both Junior and leaving Cert by providing timetabled supports that allow students the best possible chance at attaining at these levels, In-class support and smaller classes.

·Maths Competitions, Everyday maths, quizzes, Shopping (maths for everyday life), Maths computer software packages: give access for greater use of computers/ Practical applications, i.e. train timetables, telling the time.

· Create links with the Local Primary School, which will allow us to create a strong foundation for students in the area of problem solving and methodologies.


1. Identify a list of students in each year group who are at risk of leaving school early and provide supports as necessary

2. To reduce the number of students leaving school during Transition year. Provide pathways to the workforce/further education for students that do leave.

3.To provide and/or actively seek suitable alternative programmes/courses for those in danger of dropping out.

4.To create a more positive experience of school for ‘at risk’ students to improve their engagement with school.

5.To ensure that 95% of current 5th years will complete their Leaving Certificate

6.Weekly care meetings with the Student Support team.

7. Weekly monitoring of Journals in the SPHE / Year Head classes

8. Homework club facility

1. Attendance Monitor and Year Heads to compile a list of students in each year group who are at risk of early school leaving and ensure that suitable supports are put in place or appropriate steps taken for identified students.

Check & Connect programme – One Good Adult; Mentoring :TYs – 1st Years; counselling as appropriate.

2.Provide necessary supports for students in the junior cycle to ensure that they complete 3rd year, or transfer to another to alternative education in cooperation with NEWB.

3.Guidance and HCSL to advise & support students and parents (See also Progression)

4.Introduction of ‘Check and Connect programme – One Good Adult’ with small cohort of at risk students; SCP mentoring programme

5. Attendance Initiatives – identify students at risk and monitor their attendance closely. Refer to Attendance Strategy.

6. Student Care System – Monitor the students at risk and liaise with the relevant link person in the weekly care meetings.

7. Supports – Provide extra supports for identified students where necessary, such as literacy and numeracy initiatives, personal development. Link with parent / guardian

8. Promote attendance at homework club



1.Examine results of 2018 state exams and align results with attendance.

2.Encourage students to take papers at the highest level suitable for their ability in the subject.

3.Identify students in need of an intervention in each year group to improve exam results.

4. Hold an information evening for parents of TY students to support students and discuss career options earlier

5. To improve 2018 JC Overall Average Results by validating students’ capabilities at Higher Level or Ordinary Level.

6. Identify EAL students who have limited capabilities in basic Literacy and Numeracy.

7. Increase the number of pupils attending the Evening Study by 2%.

1.Examine 2018 state exam results and analyse attendance patterns of students who’s results are below average. Results can be found in JC 2018 Data graphs.

2.Subject Coordinators will encourage students to attempt subjects at the highest level suitable to their ability. More of an emphasis needs to be placed on ability as 12% of students that took subjects at Higher Level failed in 2018.

3.Students in each year group in need of extra support will be identified. This will be done through exam results, feedback from teachers and monitoring of academic progress.

4. Inform Student and Parents of Senior Cycle Subject Choices available. Allow students time to subject sample and Parents link with Teachers.

5. Using the Mock Paper as a bases for evaluation for a holistic overview of the student’s capabilities compared to individual subjects to formulate an overall strategy based on the student’s capability.

6. Support and insure that existing literacy and numeracy initiatives are utilised. The target being that all students have access to and are adequately supported to engage in a full curriculum.

7. Survey 3rd, 5th and 6th Years on the Evening Study and target pupils through involvement of their parent(s)/ guardian(s).


1. Ensure a definite educational path or job offer exists for every student who chooses to leave before completing leaving certificate either via SOLAS apprenticeship or community training centre course / QQI Level 4 / National Learning Network.

2. Information evening for parents of TY’s and Leaving Certs detailing progression routes to all levels of the NFQ (national framework of qualifications)

3. 1% improvement in progression to Higher education (HE) with HEAR link programme.

4. 1% uptake in apprenticeships

5. Encourage more students to apply for career areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths (STEAM)

6.Recognise the challenges that students face under the pressure of achieving and progressing.

7. Any student in 6th year with an additional language recognised by the SEC will be given the opportunity of sitting the subject for the Leaving Certificate.

8. Encourage year on year past students to return and address Leaving Certificate Students

1. All 6th Year students to be given an opportunity to attend Higher Options / College Open Days and attend talks by guest speakers to the school from HEI’s.

2.Inform and educate Parents / Guardians of various progression routes available to students under the NFQ.

3. Continue to link with HEAR Programme and individual HEI’s Access Programmes and avail of all services provided.

4. Build Links with GRETB Apprenticeships, receive a presentation on the 42 apprenticeships available and be assisted with securing a place if required

5. Develop Cross – curricular links between subject departments and promote annual subject weeks with career progression options e.g. Science Week, Engineering week etc.

6.Support Students to access links to Outside agencies for support in the area of Mental Health through involvement of their parent(s)/ guardian(s). Continue to work alongside these interventions at school level.

7.Facilitate the student to access Mock Papers if available, in the recognised language and encourage the student to explore this option to further enhance their educational progression.

8. Establish a “returning back / success story” attitude with students where they can link the “Familiar face” / “common ground” with an “I can do it too” attitude.

PARTNERSHIP WITH PARENTS as per 2017/2018 until new HSCL was appointed in Feb 2019.


1.To involve parents/guardians in literacy and numeracy programmes devised for junior cycle.

2.To improve communication and transfer of information between the school and the home

3.To familiarise and engage parents/guardians in their child/children’s education process

Smart Targets

· To increase the number of parents involved in school activities / courses

· To increase the amount of contact with parents

Break the cycle of Inter-Generational unemployment or early school leaving

· Raising expectations amongst parents and the wider community/ Raising awareness of continuing education

· Offering high quality parenting programmes

· Deliver presentations to parents and children about the importance of attendance

· Parents/guardians will be invited to attend a practical session on how to help their children in English and mathematics

· All parents/guardians of incoming 1st year students will receive a transfer pack


Strengthen Links With Parents:

· As part of our SIP, parents will be encouraged to provide practical support to their children in the areas of literacy and numeracy

· 1st year parents/guardians will be invited to coffee mornings/evening in the school in September

· All parents/guardians will be invited to attend parent teacher meetings for each of their children annually

· All parents/guardians will be given the opportunity to participate in a range of courses/classes in the school

· Guardians will receive information letters and newsletters at regular intervals throughout the school year

· The HSCL Co-ordinator will make targeted home visits throughout the school year.

· Parents/guardians will engage in consultation with the career guidance teacher regarding their sons/daughters preferred learning style and educational progression. They are also welcome to consult with the guidance counsellor at any stage throughout the year


Using Parents as a Resource:

· Parents providing other courses for parents

· Mentors linking in with parents.

· Raising both awareness & expectations amongst our entire body of school stakeholders

Specialist Referral:

· Parent information meetings to ensure familiarity with curriculum

· Individual support for families in trouble & working with special interest groups in this regard.



1. To increase the participation in awareness campaigns by 10% for the academic year 2018/2019 e.g. Engineers Week, STEM Week, Literacy Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Maths Week, German/French week etc.

2.To research further Possible new awareness campaigns: Health and Fitness, Body Image week, International week etc

3.Continue to invite business people in to the school to talk about running a business for Leaving Cert business and LCVP students.

4.Continue to develop relationships with local businesses such as Molloys, Service Matters and Mc Neils.

5.Continue to build up links with local businesses through TY and LCVP work experience from now and each academic year going forward.

6.Continue to work with local Youth Groups

7. Establish links with Employers.

8.Develop further links with groups in the life of the school.

9.Raise awareness in the community of continuing education.

10. Develop further links with School Facilities in the community.

1.Subject Departments develop links with outside agencies to create awareness around their subject area.

2.Form a committee to further research new awareness campaigns through newly formed Teams using the SharePoint / One Note resource after all staff are training in 2018 / 2019.

3. 2018/2019 – Entrepreneur afternoon – invite enterprising parents/relation/neighbours etc in

4. For academic year 2018/2019 develop new links with 2 more local businesses. How (Groupwork – interview and visit new businesses within the locality)

5. In 2018/2019 have local businesses who take our students for work experience complete a survey.

6. Through the Cross Curricular Links and Transition Year Programme further develop links.

7. Re-establish links with Skills at Work Programme in 2018 / 2019 – Update: This has been established with new partners – Heat Merchants.

8. Work with HCSL Officer to establish links with EAL students Religions etc.  / talks from Gardai  / further develop links with Roscommon Sports Partnership / encourage involvement of students in local organisations such as Foroige / The Quad Centre.

9.Complete a survey in our community on the value of education and continuing education to see where our community stand, obstacles that stand in the way etc.

10. Invite the community to use the school facilities and sports grounds (new gym – for use by our community by 2023)

Measures for Implementation in the Current Year



1. To increase the attendance and punctuality of students and to raise awareness of the power of education amongst parents.

2. To target students with very poor attendance

3. To target students with very poor punctuality.

4. To reduce the number of early school leavers.

Smart Targets:

· To decrease the percentage of students absent for more than 20 days (currently 13.26 by 2% (certified absences not included)

· To decrease that percentage of students absent for more than 8 days (currently 23.63 by 2% (certified absences not included

· To increase the number of visits by HSCL to parents of students with very poor attendance by 3%

1. Policy Formation:

·Develop and promote school attendance strategies (Research and policy development)

· Open and consistent communication with parents via phone, texts and an open door policy.

· Home Visitation

2.Attendance Tracking:

· VS Ware attendance systems. Use this to track and monitor attendance patterns.

· Contact parents via VS Ware when a student is missing classes.

· Mentor follow up – Identify afternoon absences and text parents via VS Ware system with sanctions for unexplained absences and meeting with parents where this is repeated.

· Seek to identify the reasons why student is absent in an attempt to solve the problem

· Raise awareness and appreciation of continuing attendance and education for all


· Provide a comforting and nurturing environment with food provided for all students

· Reward system/ Attendance awards (at individual and class level).

· Monetary Prizes at the end of each term and an overall prize at the end of the year. (HSCL)

· Offer high quality, accessible parenting programmes (HSCL/SCP)



1. To improve the level of literacy among all students.

2. To increase the level of students who report Reading for Pleasure

3. To encourage students to think and argue more logically

4. To improve students’ oral literacy skills

5. To improve written literacy

6. To encourage students to draft and redraft their work

Smart Targets:

· To improve the literacy level of each student by 2% in the first two years

· To encourage the Reading for Pleasure programme.

· 100% of students in Second Year will deliver a three-minute presentation in accordance with the new Junior Cycle English course

· To encourage students in 1st year to read and review at least two novels (outside the school curriculum) in class during the school year.

A new school library will be made available to students as soon as possible,


· Make Literacy a priority in all subject areas. In all staff meetings, Literacy must be on the agenda.

· Library time – Creation of school library. Space to read?

· More meetings with learning support teacher to devise and carry out appropriate programmes for students with low literacy levels

· Parent information meetings as necessitated.

Differentiation in the Classroom:

• Learning for Life Literacy for Life Programme

• Class teachers to identify problems and bring to relevant lead person.

• After school supports (Homework Club) for those students who do not have a recognised problem but are struggling/ Reading buddy system (Shared Reading)

Revisit the effectiveness of some strategies:

• Use of the Riddle Board in the GP Room

• Promote Reading for Pleasure and Literacy based activities.

· Create a student book club

• More regular sessions of DEAR – Drop Everything and Read

• Expand the “I’m reading at the moment…” campaign amongst staff and students

• Increased encouragement of all school plays, essay competitions, school quizzes, poetry competitions, public speaking



1. To improve the level of numeracy among all students.

2. Advance the number of teachers who integrate numeracy strategies into their teaching

3. To demonstrate to students that numeracy skills have an application in everyday life.

4. Develop parental confidence and involvement

5. Develop links with the local feeder Primary schools

6. Strengthen links with numeracy and other subjects

Smart Target

To improve numeracy by at least 2% between 1st year and 4th year using the CAT4 Quantitative results

· To increase the percentage of students who feel confident working on problem solving questions

· To increase the percentage of students taking higher level Maths at Junior Certificate level by 1%

· To improve competency in numeracy by 5% in First and Second year

· Create a working link with the local feeder primary schools, their teachers and students

· Increase the number of students taking part in Mathematical and/or Numeracy Competitions across a range of subjects

· Make Numeracy a priority in all subject areas. In all staff and department meetings, Numeracy must be on the agenda.

· Share Numeracy resources with all departments

· Strengthen links with Parents through continued

Parents Maths Evenings to learn about the course content that their child will be learning, thus increasing parent’s confidence and empowering them to encourage their children and providing helpful links on the Parents area of the school website.

· Increase the number of students taking Maths at Higher level and at Ordinary Level in both Junior and leaving Cert by providing timetabled supports that allow students the best possible chance at attaining at these levels, In-class support and smaller classes.

·Maths Competitions, Everyday maths, quizzes, Shopping (maths for everyday life), Maths computer software packages: give access for greater use of computers/ Practical applications, i.e. train timetables, telling the time.

· Create links with the Local Primary School, which will allow us to create a strong foundation for students in the area of problem solving and methodologies.


1. Identify a list of students in each year group who are at risk of leaving school early and provide supports as necessary

2. To reduce the number of students leaving school during Transition year. Provide pathways to the workforce/further education for students that do leave.

3.To provide and/or actively seek suitable alternative programmes/courses for those in danger of dropping out.

4.To create a more positive experience of school for ‘at risk’ students to improve their engagement with school.

5.To ensure that 95% of current 5th years will complete their Leaving Certificate

6.Weekly care meetings with the Student Support team.

7. Weekly monitoring of Journals in the SPHE / Year Head classes

8. Homework club facility

1. Attendance Monitor and Year Heads to compile a list of students in each year group who are at risk of early school leaving and ensure that suitable supports are put in place or appropriate steps taken for identified students.

Check & Connect programme – One Good Adult; Mentoring :TYs – 1st Years; counselling as appropriate.

2.Provide necessary supports for students in the junior cycle to ensure that they complete 3rd year, or transfer to another to alternative education in cooperation with NEWB.

3.Guidance and HCSL to advise & support students and parents (See also Progression)

4.Introduction of ‘Check and Connect programme – One Good Adult’ with small cohort of at risk students; SCP mentoring programme

5. Attendance Initiatives – identify students at risk and monitor their attendance closely. Refer to Attendance Strategy.

6. Student Care System – Monitor the students at risk and liaise with the relevant link person in the weekly care meetings.

7. Supports – Provide extra supports for identified students where necessary, such as literacy and numeracy initiatives, personal development. Link with parent / guardian

8. Promote attendance at homework club



1.Examine results of 2018 state exams and align results with attendance.

2.Encourage students to take papers at the highest level suitable for their ability in the subject.

3.Identify students in need of an intervention in each year group to improve exam results.

4. Hold an information evening for parents of TY students to support students and discuss career options earlier

5. To improve 2018 JC Overall Average Results by validating students’ capabilities at Higher Level or Ordinary Level.

6. Identify EAL students who have limited capabilities in basic Literacy and Numeracy.

7. Increase the number of pupils attending the Evening Study by 2%.

1.Examine 2018 state exam results and analyse attendance patterns of students who’s results are below average. Results can be found in JC 2018 Data graphs.

2.Subject Coordinators will encourage students to attempt subjects at the highest level suitable to their ability. More of an emphasis needs to be placed on ability as 12% of students that took subjects at Higher Level failed in 2018.

3.Students in each year group in need of extra support will be identified. This will be done through exam results, feedback from teachers and monitoring of academic progress.

4. Inform Student and Parents of Senior Cycle Subject Choices available. Allow students time to subject sample and Parents link with Teachers.

5. Using the Mock Paper as a bases for evaluation for a holistic overview of the student’s capabilities compared to individual subjects to formulate an overall strategy based on the student’s capability.

6. Support and insure that existing literacy and numeracy initiatives are utilised. The target being that all students have access to and are adequately supported to engage in a full curriculum.

7. Survey 3rd, 5th and 6th Years on the Evening Study and target pupils through involvement of their parent(s)/ guardian(s).


1. Ensure a definite educational path or job offer exists for every student who chooses to leave before completing leaving certificate either via SOLAS apprenticeship or community training centre course / QQI Level 4 / National Learning Network.

2. Information evening for parents of TY’s and Leaving Certs detailing progression routes to all levels of the NFQ (national framework of qualifications)

3. 1% improvement in progression to Higher education (HE) with HEAR link programme.

4. 1% uptake in apprenticeships

5. Encourage more students to apply for career areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths (STEAM)

6.Recognise the challenges that students face under the pressure of achieving and progressing.

7. Any student in 6th year with an additional language recognised by the SEC will be given the opportunity of sitting the subject for the Leaving Certificate.

8. Encourage year on year past students to return and address Leaving Certificate Students

1. All 6th Year students to be given an opportunity to attend Higher Options / College Open Days and attend talks by guest speakers to the school from HEI’s.

2.Inform and educate Parents / Guardians of various progression routes available to students under the NFQ.

3. Continue to link with HEAR Programme and individual HEI’s Access Programmes and avail of all services provided.

4. Build Links with GRETB Apprenticeships, receive a presentation on the 42 apprenticeships available and be assisted with securing a place if required

5. Develop Cross – curricular links between subject departments and promote annual subject weeks with career progression options e.g. Science Week, Engineering week etc.

6.Support Students to access links to Outside agencies for support in the area of Mental Health through involvement of their parent(s)/ guardian(s). Continue to work alongside these interventions at school level.

7.Facilitate the student to access Mock Papers if available, in the recognised language and encourage the student to explore this option to further enhance their educational progression.

8. Establish a “returning back / success story” attitude with students where they can link the “Familiar face” / “common ground” with an “I can do it too” attitude.

PARTNERSHIP WITH PARENTS as per 2017/2018 until new HSCL was appointed in Feb 2019.


1.To involve parents/guardians in literacy and numeracy programmes devised for junior cycle.

2.To improve communication and transfer of information between the school and the home

3.To familiarise and engage parents/guardians in their child/children’s education process

Smart Targets

· To increase the number of parents involved in school activities / courses

· To increase the amount of contact with parents

Break the cycle of Inter-Generational unemployment or early school leaving

· Raising expectations amongst parents and the wider community/ Raising awareness of continuing education

· Offering high quality parenting programmes

· Deliver presentations to parents and children about the importance of attendance

· Parents/guardians will be invited to attend a practical session on how to help their children in English and mathematics

· All parents/guardians of incoming 1st year students will receive a transfer pack


Strengthen Links With Parents:

· As part of our SIP, parents will be encouraged to provide practical support to their children in the areas of literacy and numeracy

· 1st year parents/guardians will be invited to coffee mornings/evening in the school in September

· All parents/guardians will be invited to attend parent teacher meetings for each of their children annually

· All parents/guardians will be given the opportunity to participate in a range of courses/classes in the school

· Guardians will receive information letters and newsletters at regular intervals throughout the school year

· The HSCL Co-ordinator will make targeted home visits throughout the school year.

· Parents/guardians will engage in consultation with the career guidance teacher regarding their sons/daughters preferred learning style and educational progression. They are also welcome to consult with the guidance counsellor at any stage throughout the year


Using Parents as a Resource:

· Parents providing other courses for parents

· Mentors linking in with parents.

· Raising both awareness & expectations amongst our entire body of school stakeholders

Specialist Referral:

· Parent information meetings to ensure familiarity with curriculum

· Individual support for families in trouble & working with special interest groups in this regard.



1. To increase the participation in awareness campaigns by 10% for the academic year 2018/2019 e.g. Engineers Week, STEM Week, Literacy Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Maths Week, German/French week etc.

2.To research further Possible new awareness campaigns: Health and Fitness, Body Image week, International week etc

3.Continue to invite business people in to the school to talk about running a business for Leaving Cert business and LCVP students.

4.Continue to develop relationships with local businesses such as Molloys, Service Matters and Mc Neils.

5.Continue to build up links with local businesses through TY and LCVP work experience from now and each academic year going forward.

6.Continue to work with local Youth Groups

7. Establish links with Employers.

8.Develop further links with groups in the life of the school.

9.Raise awareness in the community of continuing education.

10. Develop further links with School Facilities in the community.

1.Subject Departments develop links with outside agencies to create awareness around their subject area.

2.Form a committee to further research new awareness campaigns through newly formed Teams using the SharePoint / One Note resource after all staff are training in 2018 / 2019.

3. 2018/2019 – Entrepreneur afternoon – invite enterprising parents/relation/neighbours etc in

4. For academic year 2018/2019 develop new links with 2 more local businesses. How (Groupwork – interview and visit new businesses within the locality)

5. In 2018/2019 have local businesses who take our students for work experience complete a survey.

6. Through the Cross Curricular Links and Transition Year Programme further develop links.

7. Re-establish links with Skills at Work Programme in 2018 / 2019 – Update: This has been established with new partners – Heat Merchants.

8. Work with HCSL Officer to establish links with EAL students Religions etc.  / talks from Gardai  / further develop links with Roscommon Sports Partnership / encourage involvement of students in local organisations such as Foroige / The Quad Centre.

9.Complete a survey in our community on the value of education and continuing education to see where our community stand, obstacles that stand in the way etc.

10. Invite the community to use the school facilities and sports grounds (new gym – for use by our community by 2023)

Measures for Implementation in the Current Year



1. To increase the attendance and punctuality of students and to raise awareness of the power of education amongst parents.

2. To target students with very poor attendance

3. To target students with very poor punctuality.

4. To reduce the number of early school leavers.

Smart Targets:

· To decrease the percentage of students absent for more than 20 days (currently 13.26 by 2% (certified absences not included)

· To decrease that percentage of students absent for more than 8 days (currently 23.63 by 2% (certified absences not included

· To increase the number of visits by HSCL to parents of students with very poor attendance by 3%

1. Policy Formation:

·Develop and promote school attendance strategies (Research and policy development)

· Open and consistent communication with parents via phone, texts and an open door policy.

· Home Visitation

2.Attendance Tracking:

· VS Ware attendance systems. Use this to track and monitor attendance patterns.

· Contact parents via VS Ware when a student is missing classes.

· Mentor follow up – Identify afternoon absences and text parents via VS Ware system with sanctions for unexplained absences and meeting with parents where this is repeated.

· Seek to identify the reasons why student is absent in an attempt to solve the problem

· Raise awareness and appreciation of continuing attendance and education for all


· Provide a comforting and nurturing environment with food provided for all students

· Reward system/ Attendance awards (at individual and class level).

· Monetary Prizes at the end of each term and an overall prize at the end of the year. (HSCL)

· Offer high quality, accessible parenting programmes (HSCL/SCP)



1. To improve the level of literacy among all students.

2. To increase the level of students who report Reading for Pleasure

3. To encourage students to think and argue more logically

4. To improve students’ oral literacy skills

5. To improve written literacy

6. To encourage students to draft and redraft their work

Smart Targets:

· To improve the literacy level of each student by 2% in the first two years

· To encourage the Reading for Pleasure programme.

· 100% of students in Second Year will deliver a three-minute presentation in accordance with the new Junior Cycle English course

· To encourage students in 1st year to read and review at least two novels (outside the school curriculum) in class during the school year.

A new school library will be made available to students as soon as possible,


· Make Literacy a priority in all subject areas. In all staff meetings, Literacy must be on the agenda.

· Library time – Creation of school library. Space to read?

· More meetings with learning support teacher to devise and carry out appropriate programmes for students with low literacy levels

· Parent information meetings as necessitated.

Differentiation in the Classroom:

• Learning for Life Literacy for Life Programme

• Class teachers to identify problems and bring to relevant lead person.

• After school supports (Homework Club) for those students who do not have a recognised problem but are struggling/ Reading buddy system (Shared Reading)

Revisit the effectiveness of some strategies:

• Use of the Riddle Board in the GP Room

• Promote Reading for Pleasure and Literacy based activities.

· Create a student book club

• More regular sessions of DEAR – Drop Everything and Read

• Expand the “I’m reading at the moment…” campaign amongst staff and students

• Increased encouragement of all school plays, essay competitions, school quizzes, poetry competitions, public speaking



1. To improve the level of numeracy among all students.

2. Advance the number of teachers who integrate numeracy strategies into their teaching

3. To demonstrate to students that numeracy skills have an application in everyday life.

4. Develop parental confidence and involvement

5. Develop links with the local feeder Primary schools

6. Strengthen links with numeracy and other subjects

Smart Target

To improve numeracy by at least 2% between 1st year and 4th year using the CAT4 Quantitative results

· To increase the percentage of students who feel confident working on problem solving questions

· To increase the percentage of students taking higher level Maths at Junior Certificate level by 1%

· To improve competency in numeracy by 5% in First and Second year

· Create a working link with the local feeder primary schools, their teachers and students

· Increase the number of students taking part in Mathematical and/or Numeracy Competitions across a range of subjects

· Make Numeracy a priority in all subject areas. In all staff and department meetings, Numeracy must be on the agenda.

· Share Numeracy resources with all departments

· Strengthen links with Parents through continued

Parents Maths Evenings to learn about the course content that their child will be learning, thus increasing parent’s confidence and empowering them to encourage their children and providing helpful links on the Parents area of the school website.

· Increase the number of students taking Maths at Higher level and at Ordinary Level in both Junior and leaving Cert by providing timetabled supports that allow students the best possible chance at attaining at these levels, In-class support and smaller classes.

·Maths Competitions, Everyday maths, quizzes, Shopping (maths for everyday life), Maths computer software packages: give access for greater use of computers/ Practical applications, i.e. train timetables, telling the time.

· Create links with the Local Primary School, which will allow us to create a strong foundation for students in the area of problem solving and methodologies.


1. Identify a list of students in each year group who are at risk of leaving school early and provide supports as necessary

2. To reduce the number of students leaving school during Transition year. Provide pathways to the workforce/further education for students that do leave.

3.To provide and/or actively seek suitable alternative programmes/courses for those in danger of dropping out.

4.To create a more positive experience of school for ‘at risk’ students to improve their engagement with school.

5.To ensure that 95% of current 5th years will complete their Leaving Certificate

6.Weekly care meetings with the Student Support team.

7. Weekly monitoring of Journals in the SPHE / Year Head classes

8. Homework club facility

1. Attendance Monitor and Year Heads to compile a list of students in each year group who are at risk of early school leaving and ensure that suitable supports are put in place or appropriate steps taken for identified students.

Check & Connect programme – One Good Adult; Mentoring :TYs – 1st Years; counselling as appropriate.

2.Provide necessary supports for students in the junior cycle to ensure that they complete 3rd year, or transfer to another to alternative education in cooperation with NEWB.

3.Guidance and HCSL to advise & support students and parents (See also Progression)

4.Introduction of ‘Check and Connect programme – One Good Adult’ with small cohort of at risk students; SCP mentoring programme

5. Attendance Initiatives – identify students at risk and monitor their attendance closely. Refer to Attendance Strategy.

6. Student Care System – Monitor the students at risk and liaise with the relevant link person in the weekly care meetings.

7. Supports – Provide extra supports for identified students where necessary, such as literacy and numeracy initiatives, personal development. Link with parent / guardian

8. Promote attendance at homework club



1.Examine results of 2018 state exams and align results with attendance.

2.Encourage students to take papers at the highest level suitable for their ability in the subject.

3.Identify students in need of an intervention in each year group to improve exam results.

4. Hold an information evening for parents of TY students to support students and discuss career options earlier

5. To improve 2018 JC Overall Average Results by validating students’ capabilities at Higher Level or Ordinary Level.

6. Identify EAL students who have limited capabilities in basic Literacy and Numeracy.

7. Increase the number of pupils attending the Evening Study by 2%.

1.Examine 2018 state exam results and analyse attendance patterns of students who’s results are below average. Results can be found in JC 2018 Data graphs.

2.Subject Coordinators will encourage students to attempt subjects at the highest level suitable to their ability. More of an emphasis needs to be placed on ability as 12% of students that took subjects at Higher Level failed in 2018.

3.Students in each year group in need of extra support will be identified. This will be done through exam results, feedback from teachers and monitoring of academic progress.

4. Inform Student and Parents of Senior Cycle Subject Choices available. Allow students time to subject sample and Parents link with Teachers.

5. Using the Mock Paper as a bases for evaluation for a holistic overview of the student’s capabilities compared to individual subjects to formulate an overall strategy based on the student’s capability.

6. Support and insure that existing literacy and numeracy initiatives are utilised. The target being that all students have access to and are adequately supported to engage in a full curriculum.

7. Survey 3rd, 5th and 6th Years on the Evening Study and target pupils through involvement of their parent(s)/ guardian(s).


1. Ensure a definite educational path or job offer exists for every student who chooses to leave before completing leaving certificate either via SOLAS apprenticeship or community training centre course / QQI Level 4 / National Learning Network.

2. Information evening for parents of TY’s and Leaving Certs detailing progression routes to all levels of the NFQ (national framework of qualifications)

3. 1% improvement in progression to Higher education (HE) with HEAR link programme.

4. 1% uptake in apprenticeships

5. Encourage more students to apply for career areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths (STEAM)

6.Recognise the challenges that students face under the pressure of achieving and progressing.

7. Any student in 6th year with an additional language recognised by the SEC will be given the opportunity of sitting the subject for the Leaving Certificate.

8. Encourage year on year past students to return and address Leaving Certificate Students

1. All 6th Year students to be given an opportunity to attend Higher Options / College Open Days and attend talks by guest speakers to the school from HEI’s.

2.Inform and educate Parents / Guardians of various progression routes available to students under the NFQ.

3. Continue to link with HEAR Programme and individual HEI’s Access Programmes and avail of all services provided.

4. Build Links with GRETB Apprenticeships, receive a presentation on the 42 apprenticeships available and be assisted with securing a place if required

5. Develop Cross – curricular links between subject departments and promote annual subject weeks with career progression options e.g. Science Week, Engineering week etc.

6.Support Students to access links to Outside agencies for support in the area of Mental Health through involvement of their parent(s)/ guardian(s). Continue to work alongside these interventions at school level.

7.Facilitate the student to access Mock Papers if available, in the recognised language and encourage the student to explore this option to further enhance their educational progression.

8. Establish a “returning back / success story” attitude with students where they can link the “Familiar face” / “common ground” with an “I can do it too” attitude.

PARTNERSHIP WITH PARENTS as per 2017/2018 until new HSCL was appointed in Feb 2019.


1.To involve parents/guardians in literacy and numeracy programmes devised for junior cycle.

2.To improve communication and transfer of information between the school and the home

3.To familiarise and engage parents/guardians in their child/children’s education process

Smart Targets

· To increase the number of parents involved in school activities / courses

· To increase the amount of contact with parents

Break the cycle of Inter-Generational unemployment or early school leaving

· Raising expectations amongst parents and the wider community/ Raising awareness of continuing education

· Offering high quality parenting programmes

· Deliver presentations to parents and children about the importance of attendance

· Parents/guardians will be invited to attend a practical session on how to help their children in English and mathematics

· All parents/guardians of incoming 1st year students will receive a transfer pack


Strengthen Links With Parents:

· As part of our SIP, parents will be encouraged to provide practical support to their children in the areas of literacy and numeracy

· 1st year parents/guardians will be invited to coffee mornings/evening in the school in September

· All parents/guardians will be invited to attend parent teacher meetings for each of their children annually

· All parents/guardians will be given the opportunity to participate in a range of courses/classes in the school

· Guardians will receive information letters and newsletters at regular intervals throughout the school year

· The HSCL Co-ordinator will make targeted home visits throughout the school year.

· Parents/guardians will engage in consultation with the career guidance teacher regarding their sons/daughters preferred learning style and educational progression. They are also welcome to consult with the guidance counsellor at any stage throughout the year


Using Parents as a Resource:

· Parents providing other courses for parents

· Mentors linking in with parents.

· Raising both awareness & expectations amongst our entire body of school stakeholders

Specialist Referral:

· Parent information meetings to ensure familiarity with curriculum

· Individual support for families in trouble & working with special interest groups in this regard.



1. To increase the participation in awareness campaigns by 10% for the academic year 2018/2019 e.g. Engineers Week, STEM Week, Literacy Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Maths Week, German/French week etc.

2.To research further Possible new awareness campaigns: Health and Fitness, Body Image week, International week etc

3.Continue to invite business people in to the school to talk about running a business for Leaving Cert business and LCVP students.

4.Continue to develop relationships with local businesses such as Molloys, Service Matters and Mc Neils.

5.Continue to build up links with local businesses through TY and LCVP work experience from now and each academic year going forward.

6.Continue to work with local Youth Groups

7. Establish links with Employers.

8.Develop further links with groups in the life of the school.

9.Raise awareness in the community of continuing education.

10. Develop further links with School Facilities in the community.

1.Subject Departments develop links with outside agencies to create awareness around their subject area.

2.Form a committee to further research new awareness campaigns through newly formed Teams using the SharePoint / One Note resource after all staff are training in 2018 / 2019.

3. 2018/2019 – Entrepreneur afternoon – invite enterprising parents/relation/neighbours etc in

4. For academic year 2018/2019 develop new links with 2 more local businesses. How (Groupwork – interview and visit new businesses within the locality)

5. In 2018/2019 have local businesses who take our students for work experience complete a survey.

6. Through the Cross Curricular Links and Transition Year Programme further develop links.

7. Re-establish links with Skills at Work Programme in 2018 / 2019 – Update: This has been established with new partners – Heat Merchants.

8. Work with HCSL Officer to establish links with EAL students Religions etc.  / talks from Gardai  / further develop links with Roscommon Sports Partnership / encourage involvement of students in local organisations such as Foroige / The Quad Centre.

9.Complete a survey in our community on the value of education and continuing education to see where our community stand, obstacles that stand in the way etc.

10. Invite the community to use the school facilities and sports grounds (new gym – for use by our community by 2023)

Measures for Implementation in the Current Year



1. To increase the attendance and punctuality of students and to raise awareness of the power of education amongst parents.

2. To target students with very poor attendance

3. To target students with very poor punctuality.

4. To reduce the number of early school leavers.

Smart Targets:

· To decrease the percentage of students absent for more than 20 days (currently 13.26 by 2% (certified absences not included)

· To decrease that percentage of students absent for more than 8 days (currently 23.63 by 2% (certified absences not included

· To increase the number of visits by HSCL to parents of students with very poor attendance by 3%

1. Policy Formation:

·Develop and promote school attendance strategies (Research and policy development)

· Open and consistent communication with parents via phone, texts and an open door policy.

· Home Visitation

2.Attendance Tracking:

· VS Ware attendance systems. Use this to track and monitor attendance patterns.

· Contact parents via VS Ware when a student is missing classes.

· Mentor follow up – Identify afternoon absences and text parents via VS Ware system with sanctions for unexplained absences and meeting with parents where this is repeated.

· Seek to identify the reasons why student is absent in an attempt to solve the problem

· Raise awareness and appreciation of continuing attendance and education for all


· Provide a comforting and nurturing environment with food provided for all students

· Reward system/ Attendance awards (at individual and class level).

· Monetary Prizes at the end of each term and an overall prize at the end of the year. (HSCL)

· Offer high quality, accessible parenting programmes (HSCL/SCP)



1. To improve the level of literacy among all students.

2. To increase the level of students who report Reading for Pleasure

3. To encourage students to think and argue more logically

4. To improve students’ oral literacy skills

5. To improve written literacy

6. To encourage students to draft and redraft their work

Smart Targets:

· To improve the literacy level of each student by 2% in the first two years

· To encourage the Reading for Pleasure programme.

· 100% of students in Second Year will deliver a three-minute presentation in accordance with the new Junior Cycle English course

· To encourage students in 1st year to read and review at least two novels (outside the school curriculum) in class during the school year.

A new school library will be made available to students as soon as possible,


· Make Literacy a priority in all subject areas. In all staff meetings, Literacy must be on the agenda.

· Library time – Creation of school library. Space to read?

· More meetings with learning support teacher to devise and carry out appropriate programmes for students with low literacy levels

· Parent information meetings as necessitated.

Differentiation in the Classroom:

• Learning for Life Literacy for Life Programme

• Class teachers to identify problems and bring to relevant lead person.

• After school supports (Homework Club) for those students who do not have a recognised problem but are struggling/ Reading buddy system (Shared Reading)

Revisit the effectiveness of some strategies:

• Use of the Riddle Board in the GP Room

• Promote Reading for Pleasure and Literacy based activities.

· Create a student book club

• More regular sessions of DEAR – Drop Everything and Read

• Expand the “I’m reading at the moment…” campaign amongst staff and students

• Increased encouragement of all school plays, essay competitions, school quizzes, poetry competitions, public speaking



1. To improve the level of numeracy among all students.

2. Advance the number of teachers who integrate numeracy strategies into their teaching

3. To demonstrate to students that numeracy skills have an application in everyday life.

4. Develop parental confidence and involvement

5. Develop links with the local feeder Primary schools

6. Strengthen links with numeracy and other subjects

Smart Target

To improve numeracy by at least 2% between 1st year and 4th year using the CAT4 Quantitative results

· To increase the percentage of students who feel confident working on problem solving questions

· To increase the percentage of students taking higher level Maths at Junior Certificate level by 1%

· To improve competency in numeracy by 5% in First and Second year

· Create a working link with the local feeder primary schools, their teachers and students

· Increase the number of students taking part in Mathematical and/or Numeracy Competitions across a range of subjects

· Make Numeracy a priority in all subject areas. In all staff and department meetings, Numeracy must be on the agenda.

· Share Numeracy resources with all departments

· Strengthen links with Parents through continued

Parents Maths Evenings to learn about the course content that their child will be learning, thus increasing parent’s confidence and empowering them to encourage their children and providing helpful links on the Parents area of the school website.

· Increase the number of students taking Maths at Higher level and at Ordinary Level in both Junior and leaving Cert by providing timetabled supports that allow students the best possible chance at attaining at these levels, In-class support and smaller classes.

·Maths Competitions, Everyday maths, quizzes, Shopping (maths for everyday life), Maths computer software packages: give access for greater use of computers/ Practical applications, i.e. train timetables, telling the time.

· Create links with the Local Primary School, which will allow us to create a strong foundation for students in the area of problem solving and methodologies.


1. Identify a list of students in each year group who are at risk of leaving school early and provide supports as necessary

2. To reduce the number of students leaving school during Transition year. Provide pathways to the workforce/further education for students that do leave.

3.To provide and/or actively seek suitable alternative programmes/courses for those in danger of dropping out.

4.To create a more positive experience of school for ‘at risk’ students to improve their engagement with school.

5.To ensure that 95% of current 5th years will complete their Leaving Certificate

6.Weekly care meetings with the Student Support team.

7. Weekly monitoring of Journals in the SPHE / Year Head classes

8. Homework club facility

1. Attendance Monitor and Year Heads to compile a list of students in each year group who are at risk of early school leaving and ensure that suitable supports are put in place or appropriate steps taken for identified students.

Check & Connect programme – One Good Adult; Mentoring :TYs – 1st Years; counselling as appropriate.

2.Provide necessary supports for students in the junior cycle to ensure that they complete 3rd year, or transfer to another to alternative education in cooperation with NEWB.

3.Guidance and HCSL to advise & support students and parents (See also Progression)

4.Introduction of ‘Check and Connect programme – One Good Adult’ with small cohort of at risk students; SCP mentoring programme

5. Attendance Initiatives – identify students at risk and monitor their attendance closely. Refer to Attendance Strategy.

6. Student Care System – Monitor the students at risk and liaise with the relevant link person in the weekly care meetings.

7. Supports – Provide extra supports for identified students where necessary, such as literacy and numeracy initiatives, personal development. Link with parent / guardian

8. Promote attendance at homework club



1.Examine results of 2018 state exams and align results with attendance.

2.Encourage students to take papers at the highest level suitable for their ability in the subject.

3.Identify students in need of an intervention in each year group to improve exam results.

4. Hold an information evening for parents of TY students to support students and discuss career options earlier

5. To improve 2018 JC Overall Average Results by validating students’ capabilities at Higher Level or Ordinary Level.

6. Identify EAL students who have limited capabilities in basic Literacy and Numeracy.

7. Increase the number of pupils attending the Evening Study by 2%.

1.Examine 2018 state exam results and analyse attendance patterns of students who’s results are below average. Results can be found in JC 2018 Data graphs.

2.Subject Coordinators will encourage students to attempt subjects at the highest level suitable to their ability. More of an emphasis needs to be placed on ability as 12% of students that took subjects at Higher Level failed in 2018.

3.Students in each year group in need of extra support will be identified. This will be done through exam results, feedback from teachers and monitoring of academic progress.

4. Inform Student and Parents of Senior Cycle Subject Choices available. Allow students time to subject sample and Parents link with Teachers.

5. Using the Mock Paper as a bases for evaluation for a holistic overview of the student’s capabilities compared to individual subjects to formulate an overall strategy based on the student’s capability.

6. Support and insure that existing literacy and numeracy initiatives are utilised. The target being that all students have access to and are adequately supported to engage in a full curriculum.

7. Survey 3rd, 5th and 6th Years on the Evening Study and target pupils through involvement of their parent(s)/ guardian(s).


1. Ensure a definite educational path or job offer exists for every student who chooses to leave before completing leaving certificate either via SOLAS apprenticeship or community training centre course / QQI Level 4 / National Learning Network.

2. Information evening for parents of TY’s and Leaving Certs detailing progression routes to all levels of the NFQ (national framework of qualifications)

3. 1% improvement in progression to Higher education (HE) with HEAR link programme.

4. 1% uptake in apprenticeships

5. Encourage more students to apply for career areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths (STEAM)

6.Recognise the challenges that students face under the pressure of achieving and progressing.

7. Any student in 6th year with an additional language recognised by the SEC will be given the opportunity of sitting the subject for the Leaving Certificate.

8. Encourage year on year past students to return and address Leaving Certificate Students

1. All 6th Year students to be given an opportunity to attend Higher Options / College Open Days and attend talks by guest speakers to the school from HEI’s.

2.Inform and educate Parents / Guardians of various progression routes available to students under the NFQ.

3. Continue to link with HEAR Programme and individual HEI’s Access Programmes and avail of all services provided.

4. Build Links with GRETB Apprenticeships, receive a presentation on the 42 apprenticeships available and be assisted with securing a place if required

5. Develop Cross – curricular links between subject departments and promote annual subject weeks with career progression options e.g. Science Week, Engineering week etc.

6.Support Students to access links to Outside agencies for support in the area of Mental Health through involvement of their parent(s)/ guardian(s). Continue to work alongside these interventions at school level.

7.Facilitate the student to access Mock Papers if available, in the recognised language and encourage the student to explore this option to further enhance their educational progression.

8. Establish a “returning back / success story” attitude with students where they can link the “Familiar face” / “common ground” with an “I can do it too” attitude.

PARTNERSHIP WITH PARENTS as per 2017/2018 until new HSCL was appointed in Feb 2019.


1.To involve parents/guardians in literacy and numeracy programmes devised for junior cycle.

2.To improve communication and transfer of information between the school and the home

3.To familiarise and engage parents/guardians in their child/children’s education process

Smart Targets

· To increase the number of parents involved in school activities / courses

· To increase the amount of contact with parents

Break the cycle of Inter-Generational unemployment or early school leaving

· Raising expectations amongst parents and the wider community/ Raising awareness of continuing education

· Offering high quality parenting programmes

· Deliver presentations to parents and children about the importance of attendance

· Parents/guardians will be invited to attend a practical session on how to help their children in English and mathematics

· All parents/guardians of incoming 1st year students will receive a transfer pack


Strengthen Links With Parents:

· As part of our SIP, parents will be encouraged to provide practical support to their children in the areas of literacy and numeracy

· 1st year parents/guardians will be invited to coffee mornings/evening in the school in September

· All parents/guardians will be invited to attend parent teacher meetings for each of their children annually

· All parents/guardians will be given the opportunity to participate in a range of courses/classes in the school

· Guardians will receive information letters and newsletters at regular intervals throughout the school year

· The HSCL Co-ordinator will make targeted home visits throughout the school year.

· Parents/guardians will engage in consultation with the career guidance teacher regarding their sons/daughters preferred learning style and educational progression. They are also welcome to consult with the guidance counsellor at any stage throughout the year


Using Parents as a Resource:

· Parents providing other courses for parents

· Mentors linking in with parents.

· Raising both awareness & expectations amongst our entire body of school stakeholders

Specialist Referral:

· Parent information meetings to ensure familiarity with curriculum

· Individual support for families in trouble & working with special interest groups in this regard.



1. To increase the participation in awareness campaigns by 10% for the academic year 2018/2019 e.g. Engineers Week, STEM Week, Literacy Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Maths Week, German/French week etc.

2.To research further Possible new awareness campaigns: Health and Fitness, Body Image week, International week etc

3.Continue to invite business people in to the school to talk about running a business for Leaving Cert business and LCVP students.

4.Continue to develop relationships with local businesses such as Molloys, Service Matters and Mc Neils.

5.Continue to build up links with local businesses through TY and LCVP work experience from now and each academic year going forward.

6.Continue to work with local Youth Groups

7. Establish links with Employers.

8.Develop further links with groups in the life of the school.

9.Raise awareness in the community of continuing education.

10. Develop further links with School Facilities in the community.

1.Subject Departments develop links with outside agencies to create awareness around their subject area.

2.Form a committee to further research new awareness campaigns through newly formed Teams using the SharePoint / One Note resource after all staff are training in 2018 / 2019.

3. 2018/2019 – Entrepreneur afternoon – invite enterprising parents/relation/neighbours etc in

4. For academic year 2018/2019 develop new links with 2 more local businesses. How (Groupwork – interview and visit new businesses within the locality)

5. In 2018/2019 have local businesses who take our students for work experience complete a survey.

6. Through the Cross Curricular Links and Transition Year Programme further develop links.

7. Re-establish links with Skills at Work Programme in 2018 / 2019 – Update: This has been established with new partners – Heat Merchants.

8. Work with HCSL Officer to establish links with EAL students Religions etc.  / talks from Gardai  / further develop links with Roscommon Sports Partnership / encourage involvement of students in local organisations such as Foroige / The Quad Centre.

9.Complete a survey in our community on the value of education and continuing education to see where our community stand, obstacles that stand in the way etc.

10. Invite the community to use the school facilities and sports grounds