
Student wellbeing is a vital part of school life in Roscommon Community College. Wellbeing in junior cycle is about young people feeling confident, happy, healthy and connected. Wellbeing provides learning opportunities to enhance the social, emotional, physical and mental development of a young person as well as providing opportunities for students to become more resilient and to build lifelong skills. The decision to incorporate wellbeing into the Irish Education system was influenced by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which highlights children’s right to achieve their full potential and participate in decisions that affect them.

There are six wellbeing indicators – Active, Responsible, Connected, Resilient, Respected and Aware. These indicators make what is important explicit for students, teachers, parents and the wider school community. These indicators help us all have a conversation around wellbeing and may help to identify where a student needs support.

Students starting first year in September 2017 will be the first set of students to undertake the new area of learning relating to Wellbeing, with a total of 300 hours. By summer 2020, it will be fully integrated across all junior cycle year groups with a total of 400 hours.


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