Agricultural Science

Agricultural Science is one of the science subjects offered at Leaving Certificate level in Roscommon Community College.

The main benefit in taking Agricultural Science for Leaving Cert is that our students can carry out all their projects on the fully functional farm which is located on the school grounds. RCC is one of the only schools in Ireland with a farm. It is operated by our farm manager John Mooney.

The farm has various breeds of sheep and cattle, farm buildings and farmyard facilities but we also have another area located at the rear of the school entitled the ‘Youth Farm’.

The area has been established in recent years by the TY students. They have built pens for a bird sanctuary which houses Red Golden Pheasants and Common Ring necked Pheasants. There is also a chicken coup and run where nine hens lay nine eggs every day!

Another area encloses the bee hives where under the watchful eye of our Bee Keeper Jimmy Gleeson, the bees produce up to 60lbs of honey in a good summer.

The final section in this area of the school farm is the biodiversity garden. This was an overgrown section of the wood which was cleared and replanted with many different varieties of plants to introduce as much botanical diversity as possible. This is now a restful relaxing space enjoyed by both teachers and students.

All Science and Agricultural Science students are encouraged to visit the farm on a regular basis and of course spring lambing on the farm is always an exciting time. All students get the opportunity to see first-hand the new-born lambs and can even get to hold them.