
Biology is the study of life. Through the study of biology, students employ the process of science in their investigations and explore the diversity of life and the interrelationships between organisms and their environment. Leaving Certificate Biology aims to develops students’ curiosity, enthusiasm and passion for the scientific study of life. It seeks to nurture students to become scientifically literate citizens and life-long learners, supporting the development of a wide range of key competencies, and equipping students for the challenges and opportunities of their futures.

The syllabus is composed of science for the enquiring mind or pure science, which constitutes approximately 70% of the syllabus, and the technological, political, social and economic aspects of biology, which constitutes thew remaining 30%.

The syllabus consists of three units:

· Unit One: Biology – The Study of Life

· Unit Two: The Cell

· Unit Three: The Organism

A variety of teaching strategies depending on the targeted learning outcomes, the needs of their students, and their personal preferences are implemented across the two years. Biology is assessed using a combination of formative and summative assessment, to ensure students receive regular feedback signposting their progress. There is one final exam in sixth year, worth 100%. In 2025, a new Leaving Certifiare Biology course will be introduced. Please click here for more information.