Project Science


  • To build on and further develop the scientific skills and knowledge students have from Junior Cert.
  • To provide students with the opportunity to research topics in science that they have a particular interest in.
  • To develop students interest in Science through links with everyday situations.
  • To build curiosity in students in relation to the three broad areas of science:  physics, chemistry and biology.
  • To allow students the opportunity to take part in projects such as BT Young Scientist Exhibition & Sci-Fest.
  • To enable students to make informed choices regarding subject options going into Senior Cycle.


At the end of their Transition Year Science, students will be able to:

  • Write a science research proposal with the view to exhibit at a science exhibition.
  • Use Google Scholar to successfully find published research articles relating to their science project.
  • Develop a research plan and research instrument to successfully address their research questions.
  • Use Microsoft Excel proficiently to analyse their research data.

 Subject Project Science

  • Teacher Dr. Shea

 Module Duration             

  • Full Academic Year


TY Project Science involves two components. The first is the development of a research question and subsequently a research plan to address their research questions. An integral component of the curriculum this year includes students working on a research project. Opportunities will be provided for all students to participate in BT Young Scientist or Sci-Fest (or both).

The project development involves:

  • Designing a good research question
  • Designing an effective research plan
  • Developing a research instrument either using Survey Monkey or Microsoft Word
  • Carrying out research and writing a comprehensive literature review
  • Analysis of Data Collected
  •  Writing of Report with view to extend project ideas and improve their plan.

The second component of their module is development of a Science Week Exhibition

Each student will work in pairs to demonstrate their science skills and present a demonstration to all students in the school during a dedicated science week exhibition ran during science week in November.

 Teaching and Learning Strategies             

The teaching and learning strategies used during the school year will be varied to involve and engage all different learning styles.


Assessment will be ongoing through the year on both a formal and informal basis.  Students will be required to present their work and research regularly.  They will also be encouraged to carry out both self-assessment and peer assessment.  They will be encouraged to share their ideas about topics that they would like to study and to suggest modes of assessment.  Students’ research work will be presented to their class to include both a presentation and report. Photographic evidence is also required.

Modes of Assessment that will be used, chosen to suit each individual topic:

  • Formal testing
  • Self-Assessment
  • Group work
  • Co-operative learning
  • Presentations
  • Informal questioning in class
  • Show-me Boards.


  • The school laboratory is available to classes for practical and experimental work
  •  A fully networked computer room is available for research to students
  • A range of models – both biological and chemical – charts and drawing equipment is available
  • Teacher made summaries, worksheets and questions to be employed for class work/ revision purposes
  • A selection of textbooks and workbooks are referred to
  • ICT – Interactive whiteboards, projectors, OHP, Websites, DVD’s
  • Resources are to be shared among all teachers
  • Polytunnel

 Links with other Subjects

  • Agricultural Science.
  • Technology, Web design and multimedia
  • Environmental Science
  • Business, Home Economics


  • Module will be reviewed at the end of each module.

 Note: As the year progresses this plan will be reviewed on an ongoing basis as the needs and interests of the students emerge. If particular interest is shown in an area of study more time will be allocated to this topic.