8th September 2023

Well done to 5th year student Shannika Greene and her involvement with Family Carers Ireland.

Shannika has participated in research with UCD and UCC via Family Carers Ireland that was presented at the Dáil in March. Shannika was one of three young carers selected to be in the Dáil during the presentation and speak directly to the TDs. She has also been interviewed for RTÉ radio on the role of a young carer and the skills involved in carrying out the role.

Furthermore, Shannika was selected to participate in the ISSU Skills Academy in July 2023.  She actively spoke about the challenges facing young carers and made connections with professional advocates who are assisting her in raising the issue to decision makers. She has met with the Ombudsman man for children and has completed advocacy training within the Young Carers Youth Program.  She has used this training to support other young carers in their advocacy journeys and reaching their goals.

At Shannika’s recent meeting with TD, Claire Kerrane she spoke about increased accessibility for wheelchair users such as more ramps and railings, broader shop aisles, more elevators and updating equipment in Roscommon Town Park.

Everyone at Roscommon Community College is extremely proud of the work that you are doing Shanika.