Education for Sustainable Development Policy

All public service bodies are required under the Climate Action Plan to adhere to the Public Service Climate Action Mandate – and to develop Climate Action Roadmaps setting out how they will deliver on their energy efficiency and emission reduction targets. Schools now have a separate Climate Action Mandate under which they are required to adopt a Sustainability Policy Statement. The School Sector Climate Action Mandate can be read in full here: – School Sector Climate Action Mandate (
The second National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development – ESD to 2030 also informs the content of the following Sustainability Policy Statement template. ESD aims to ensure that “by 2030, all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s
contribution to sustainable development”. (Sustainable Development Goal 4.7)
The following has been prepared as part the School Sector Climate Action Mandate, and in keeping with the principles and themes of ESD to 2030 and has been accepted by the Board of Management of Roscommon Community College.
The purpose of this Sustainability Policy Statement is to outline how our school, Roscommon Community College, promotes sustainability and climate action, through our actions and activities. Sustainability can be defined as the ability to exist and develop without depleting natural resources for the future.

Sustainability is a community issue and applies to all students, teachers and employees of Roscommon Community College. Parents and guardians should note, and where possible, promote, this policy and the values it espouses. The Board of Management of Roscommon Community College will strive to ensure that decisions made in respect of the school going forward align with this policy and that school policy reviews going forward reflect the values this policy promotes.

Vision, mission and values
Roscommon Community College is a multidenominational, coeducational, DEIS school located in Roscommon Town with a current enrolment of approximately 558 students under the patronage of the Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board. Roscommon Community College is a place of excellence where children can achieve full potential in their academic, social, personal, physical, moral, and spiritual development.
This is Roscommon Community College’s vision, and it promotes the targets of ESD to 2030 as well as the Sustainable Development Goals cognisant of the Planetary Boundaries. Roscommon Community College’s mission is to aim to provide a quality academic, practical, social, and spiritual education for our students suited to their needs and abilities in a warm caring and friendly environment reflects SDGs 3,4,5,10,11,16 to identify but a few. We also wish to foster mutual respect between students and staff and instil in our students a sense of self discipline and community.
Our values are the core values of ETBI[1]. These core values permeate every aspect of school life. They are:
 Equality
 Care
 Community
 Respect
 Excellence in Education
The updated LAOS Framework[2] states that “highly effective schools promote and prioritise sustainability as a core value.” This is something that is affecting all students and stakeholders in Roscommon Community College and community and therefore it is imperative that we take collective action to ensure our students are immersed in Education for Sustainable Development daily and that it is embedded as a core value across the curriculum to ensure that our students are as prepared as possible for an ever changing world as global citizens, “children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see”

Whole School Approach to Sustainability
 Roscommon Community College has adopted this Sustainability Policy Statement, and it has been ratified by our Board of Management for implementation. It clearly details the aims and objectives of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Roscommon Community College, its relationship to the vision and mission of the school and of our core ethos and related values.
 Roscommon Community College recognises Education for Sustainable Development as a cross-curricular theme, and this is co-ordinated effectively in Roscommon Community College as a designated APII special duties post.
 As part of our school’s strategic planning, ESD has been identified as a strategic goal in Roscommon Community College. As such, all subject departments are required to identify curricular links across all levels and programmes in their subject department plans using a uniform template available on the staff SharePoint.
 Opportunities are identified to introduce and address sustainability in the classroom, across all subjects and resources are available to ensure this may be espoused for all staff and students.
 A graphic of the 17 SDGs is displayed in all classrooms throughout the school.
 A pathway of signs, each identifying the 17 SDGs is displayed in English and as Gaeilge along the main corridor of the school.
 The Planetary Boundaries are displayed in a prominent position in the main corridor of Roscommon Community College.
 All our policies, following their relevant reviews going forward, will be aligned to the principles of sustainable development.
 Staff are provided with information on CPD available in the area of ESD via email updates.
 Our points system on VSWARE supports our whole school approach to sustainability. Positive points are awarded for Eco-Citizenship/ Environmentalism and negative points are awarded for littering and taking school lunches off site to encourage students to be more environmentally friendly and climate conscious.
 Resources to assist in the teaching of sustainability are adequate and sufficient at all levels and are available on SharePoint and accessible to all staff under the ‘ESD in RCC’ tab.
 Roscommon Community College carries out regular self-evaluation of our teaching practices in the area of sustainable development and students are asked to reflect on their learning in this area also (TY Environmental Studies subject change).
 Roscommon Community College is an active member of the Green Schools Programme. RCC has been awarded 9 Green Flags and we are currently working toward our 10th Green Flag. The coordination of the Green Schools Programme is a post of responsibility at APII level in RCC.
 Roscommon Community College is a member of the Irish Schools Sustainability Network ( and the resources provided by ISSN are used in classes.
 Roscommon Community College is an ETBI school and as such has been an active participant in the Take 1 Programme since its launch in 2019.
 Roscommon Community College is an active participator in the learning and teaching of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in collaboration with the WorldWise Global Schools Programme.
 Roscommon Community College keeps up to date with developments in ESD including by being registered for the quarterly ESD Newsletter development/newsletter/
 As part of our ongoing commitment to a whole school approach to sustainability, our Principal and the TY Green Team have outlined some areas for improvement to improve our schools energy efficiency as outlined in our Energy Statement below:

Roscommon Community College Energy Statement
At Roscommon Community College, we are committed to promoting sustainability and energy efficiency across our campus. We strive to minimize our environmental impact by reducing energy consumption and fostering awareness of energy-saving practices among our staff, students, and community. Our goal is to create a more sustainable future by integrating responsible energy management into our everyday operations and encouraging the next generation to lead with a sense of environmental stewardship.
Key areas for improvement 2024-2025
As part of our commitment to sustainability, Roscommon Community College has identified key areas to improve energy efficiency and reduce our overall environmental footprint. The following measures will be implemented to optimize energy usage:
1. Lighting: Ensure all lights are turned off when leaving a room, even if timers are in place.
2. Water Boiler: Switch off the water boiler between 2 p.m. and 8 a.m. to save energy during off-peak hours.
3. Computers: All computers should be completely shut down when not in use or when leaving a room.
4. Energy Monitoring: Weekly meter readings will be taken to monitor and calculate the kWh usage.
5. Heating: Portable electric heaters will no longer be used, promoting more efficient heating methods.
6. Doors and Windows: To prevent heat loss, all doors and windows should remain closed, as 35% of heat is lost through open windows and doors.
7. Air Conditioning (Modular Building): In the modular building, the AC must be switched off when teachers leave the room. The building’s airtight design includes air recirculation to maintain efficiency.
8. Chargers: All chargers must be unplugged when not in use to prevent energy wastage. Through these improvements, Roscommon Community College aims to significantly reduce energy consumption, promote sustainability, and lead by example in fostering environmental consciousness.

Environmental Sustainability:
Green-Schools is an international environmental education programme, offering a well defined, controllable way for schools to take environmental issues from the curriculum and apply them to the day-to-day running of their school.
 Roscommon Community College is an active participator in the Green Schools Programme. We have a Green Team comprising of a range of staff and students whose role is to promote the values and aims of the Green Schools Programme under the direction of an APII Post Holder. To date Roscommon Community College has been awarded 9 Green Flags and we are currently working toward our 10th Green Flag.
 Roscommon Community College engages with ETBI, the Department of Education, An Taisce, GLOBE Ireland, Roscommon County Council and various other organisations and initiatives in the area of sustainable development and the promotion of sustainability values.
 Roscommon Community College offers CSPE as a compulsory short course for all Junior Cycle students. Strand 2 of the CSPE specification explores the area of Sustainable Development.
 Roscommon Community College offers a compulsory Environmental Studies to all Transition Year students. This was changed from an optional TY module to a compulsory subject for all TY students in 2023, to ensure all students are equipped with the skills and information needed to be more sustainable global citizens
 All TY students are completing Dr. Patrick Kirwin’s ‘Environmental Influencer’ course.
 Roscommon Community College has a comprehensive and cohesive recycling policy in place coordinated by the Green Schools coordinator and the school’s Caretaker, and we use recycled and recyclable materials whenever possible. All bins are designated for specific purposes and staff and students are regularly reminded about the specific purpose of particular bins. Visuals are stuck to the bins as a reminder about what is permitted in each one and the Green Schools committee regularly visit classrooms to remind students of same.
 Roscommon Community College environment clearly displays information on sustainability and sustainable practices in prominent and accessible places.
 Roscommon Community College actively promotes and fosters an attitude of care and responsibility towards the natural environment and emphasis is placed on the utilisation of our green spaces on and around the school grounds.
 Roscommon Community College promotes and facilitates outdoor learning. Our school has been awarded ESD funding to develop this area going forward.
 Roscommon Community College promotes and facilitates biodiversity on the school grounds. We have a school woodland area, a garden patch to promote areas for pollinators and planters maintained by our Learning for Life class.
 Roscommon Community College promotes sustainable transport including, where possible, walking and cycling to school and has increased the number of areas for bicycle storage on the school grounds.
 Roscommon Community College engages with programmes that support and promote Environmental education [e.g. ECO UNESCO, Take 1, GLOBE Ireland] or any other programmes working in this field as they arise.
 Our school engages with the SEAI Energy in Education resources and energy management tools in order to monitor and report energy consumption.

Social Sustainability:
 Roscommon Community College ethos recognises the importance of and is sensitive to issues surrounding gender equity. Roscommon Community College has been awarded Safe and Supportive School status through active engagement by all stakeholders in this area which promotes SDG 5 and 10.
 Our students are provided with opportunities to develop and use their skills to participate in the solving of community problems at local level.
 Roscommon Community College ethos strives to prepare students for life as citizens of a global community this is supported through our engagement with the WWGS programme.
 Roscommon Community College engages with Global Citizenship Education programmes such as World Wise Global Schools .
 The needs of all students in recognition of differentiated physical or learning abilities, are taken into consideration, and accommodated on a daily basis in Roscommon Community College. This is done as a core value and core priority of Roscommon Community College.

Economic Sustainability:
 A non-competitive ethos of co-operation and sharing of resources is modelled in Roscommon Community College’s allocation of its resources.
 Students are involved in the decision-making process of various aspects of school life.
 Students are provided with opportunities to learn small business skills through successful engagement in the Student Enterprise Programme.
 Roscommon Community College’s fund-raising activities reflect and actively demonstrate ethical and sustainable principles.
 Roscommon Community College buildings are maintained to a high standard, with best practise in the area of sustainability in mind.
 Roscommon Community College educates on, and promotes the principles of, a circular economy.

Cultural Sustainability:
 Roscommon Community College ethos aims to foster students’ self-esteem, along with a mutual regard and respect for fellow students, and positive social interaction and relationships. This is promoted across the curriculum and permeates every facet of school life.
 Roscommon Community College ethos, in tandem with the curriculum, strives to prepare students for life in an increasingly multicultural society.
 Roscommon Community College demonstrates a commitment to community engagement and encourages the community’s involvement with the school. In Transition Year, this is promoted by engagement with the GAISCE awards programme.
 Roscommon Community College has an active role in supporting cultural diversity both within the school itself, and in the wider school community and this is done as a core value to reflect the diverse nature of Roscommon Community College in line with our core values and ethos.

Teacher Competence:
 Our teachers are supported in building their own capacity in the area of ESD.
 There is a tab of resources available to all staff available on SharePoint.
 ESD related CPD is emailed as relevant to staff as it arises. This is also displayed on a staff noticeboard.

Student Competence:
 Our students are encouraged and supported to participate in peer-to-peer learning activities
 Our students are encouraged and supported to undertake action orientated projects such as BTYSE, GLOBE Ireland Initiatives, Junk Kouture, Enterprise and other relevant initiatives as they arise.
 Roscommon Community College has a Student Council/ Sustainability Committee/ Green Schools Committee and GCE team who are involved in decisions about the promotion of and engagement with ESD in Roscommon Community College.
 Our students are encouraged to volunteer for local community action on sustainability projects through their involvement with the GAISCE (GAISCE GLAS) programme.

Our goals for ESD are as follows:
 To meet the targets of our Energy Saving Statement
 To further embed ESD across the curriculum by mapping links to ESD across all subject department plans
 To promote ESD as a core value as outlined in the LAOS Framework for highly effective schools.
 To provide opportunities for all students and staff to engage in ESD in all areas of the curriculum.
 To use ESD funding to develop an outdoor learning space.
 To achieve our next GCE passport in association with the WWGS Programme
 To achieve our 10th Green Flag in association with the Green Schools programme.

Implementation and Review:
This Statement was implemented in December 2023 and revised and ratified in September 2024. To ensure Roscommon Community College strives to improve its work within sustainability and climate action, the Statement will be reviewed annually