Civic, Social and Political Education

Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE) in Roscommon Community College contributes to building the skills students will need to contribute positively to the democratic society within which we live

The CSPE Junior Cycle Course is divided into 3 strands:

Strand 1: Rights and Responsibilities

Strand 2: Global Citizenship

Strand 3: Exploring Democracy

Through engagement with the learning outcomes attached to each of these three strands students have the opportunity to explore and examine ways in which they can make a difference to the lives of individuals and communities by undertaking various action projects over the course of their Junior Cycle.

Here in Roscommon Community College we ensure that CSPE:

ü  helps our students to develop their skills to ask questions, to critique and to evaluate the world around them through open discussion

ü  gives students the opportunity to explore their human rights and social responsibilities

ü  works toward improving literacy and understanding around sustainable development

ü  fosters an awareness of what it means to live responsibly as a citizen in a democracy

ü  gives students the opportunity to take action and influence change around local, national and global issues by engaging in a series of class based actions

CSPE at Junior Cycle builds on related learning experiences from the Primary Curriculum and it provides students with the prior knowledge necessary to study Society and Politics at Senior Cycle.

Wellbeing and Junior Cycle CSPE:

The new Junior Cycle CSPE specification integrates into a whole-school approach to Wellbeing. CSPE links directly to the Wellbeing programme in a number of ways and helps students to understand how their wellbeing and the wellbeing of others is inter-connected and this is explored across the 3 Strands.

Click here to view CSPE Photos 

Keep up to date with ongoing activities in CSPE in Roscommon Community College on @RCCCSPE on Twitter!