Roscommon Community College Transition Year students secured three awards at the All-Ireland Drama Finals in the Cork Opera House recently. The students’ authentic performance of scenes from ‘John B. Keane’s acclaimed play ‘Sive’ impressed the adjudicators, yielding RCC the school to win the most awards on the day: Best Acting Duo, Best Set Design and Overall Drama Performance: 2nd place. Such success stems from a vibrant culture of creativity and excellence within the school where students’ talents and artistic expression thrive. 2024 marks the second year in which the school’s Transition Year students have participated in this prestigious competition, following the success of last year’s cast receiving the Briery Gap Perpetual Cup for ‘Best Newcomer Award’. Our school community is immensely proud of our cast and crew for their outstanding accomplishments in drama. Cast: Áine Madden (Sive), Donata Leyden Roberto (Mena), Caileann Sheridan (Mike), James Lunt (Thomasheen Séan Rua), Hazel O’Leary (Nanna), Tommy Monaghan (Séan Dóta), Kayla Joyce (Liam), Joelah Okambawa (Pats Bocock), Erika Ogawa (Carthlawn). Additionally, understudies and backstage crew played a significant role in the production, under the guidance of teachers Ms Doyle, Ms Cleary and Ms Finan, and caretaker Mr Kelly. Congratulations to all involved in bringing scenes from John B. Keane’s Irish classic to the stage, culminating in such remarkable success.