Roscommon Community College is an accredited Safe And Supportive School in conjunction with BeLonG To Youth Services
Q: Why is Roscommon Community College a S.A.S.S. school?
A: 73% of second-level Irish LGBTQ+ students feel unsafe at school
- Roscommon Community College is the first school in County Roscommon to sign up to participate in and receive official accreditation for a new national LGBTQ+ Safe & Supportive Schools Project
- Roscommon Community College and 13 other schools nationwide are leading the way by partnering with BeLonG To Youth Services to undertake it’s LGBTQ+ Safe & Supportive Schools Project, a ground-breaking whole-school approach to creating a school environment that is fully inclusive of LGBTQ+ students, thus changing the lives of thousands of young people across Ireland
- We are passionate about ensuring all of our students feel safe, welcome and supported in their school and local community. Everyone has the right to an education and we are ensuring all students are happy to come into school and live a happy and supported life
- We participate in Stand Up Awareness Week annually and we have a very active Student LGBTQ+ & Allies Group which meets at lunchtime once a week
- All staff have received full training as part of the SASS Programme and are suitably confident in speaking about LGBTQ+ topics
- We have a zero-tolerance approach to homophobic or transphobic bullying